MxCAD online

Company Profile

Your recognition is our driving force!

The company was jointly founded by domestic CAD industry experts andreturned overseas students. lt is technology-oriented and has a total of 15developers, some of whom have 14 years of experience in CAD industry.ln 2014, the company was recognized as "High-tech Enterprise in ChengduHigh-tech Industrial Development Zone" and "Chengdu Double Soft Enterprise".
Provide a complete set of CAD platform solutions for users. Mainly provide :B/5,CSarchitecture, mobile platform,PC platform, CAD drawings (such as DWG,DWF,DXF)browsing and editing, parametric drawing, interactive drawing and other functionsof technical support.The company's CAD products mainly apply drawing file mana-gement system, collaborative design,PLMproduct life cycle management), industrysoftware drawing,configuration contraoll, and other systems.At present, there are hu-ndreds of software companies using controls, which have been successfully run in,construction, railway, municipal, planning, coall mining, advertising design, sculpture,installation calculation, bridge, power, mapping and other industries.

Company History

ln 2014 Dream Cad Technology was foundedto perfect what had been a 2005 type of ActiveXcontrolthat can be used on the web and on thePC with the CAD control


Add support for mobile platforms in 2016 , sup-port for Android , lOS system , PC new 64-bitversion, controls can be run off the VC library


In 2018, we added the MxCAD Cloud Diagramproduct, which combines the latest technology,developed and released the initial version of thecross-platform 3D co-design product MxCAD CI-oud Diagramming


Add English version, add support for extendedscreen, DWG path encryption. Improve text search and layer management,optimize opening speed.


ln 2015, the company achieved faster develop-ment, enriched control fonts, irmproved displayspeed, ad ding CHM help files and more editingfeatures,and starting to support the rich COMinterface


ln 2017,the control was upgraded to VC2017 ,adding improved labeling and hotkeyfunctions.lmprovement of viewport commands, the co ntrolis mature and stable


2019 MxCAD Cloud Diagram officially launched,improve the drawing compilation of the MxCAD-Cloud Diagramediting interface and help docum-entation


Continue to improve the control and softwarefunction, develop 3D function. Be the first-class CAD platform company in China

Covering all major industries

Contact Us

Address: No.588 Jitai Road, WuhouDistrict, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Address: No.588 Jitai Road, WuhouDistrict, Chengdu, Sichuan, China

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